About us

Erika Streuli Oppliger

My name is Erika Streuli Oppliger and I am the President of the Foundation Stärnechind. On December 2, 2009 I became the proud mother of our little girl who we named Leandra. Unfortunately, she had some health-related issues soon after her birth and had to be transferred to the children's hospital. On the third day of life, she had to endure the first operation on her esophagus. She fought like a lion, and after three weeks we were able to leave the intensive care unit. After further examinations, doctors found a hole in her heart, which needed to be closed in open-heart surgery within the first six months of her life.

On January 4, 2010, we were discharged from the hospital with a feeding tube and a monitor knowing that we would have to come back in late February for her heart surgery. Those seven weeks at home were wonderful despite our fears of what the future might bring.

The preliminary examination by the cardiologist showed that the surgery would be more complicated than originally anticipated. We were shocked but hoped that everything would turn out well. The first surgery was successful, and so were the second and third, but Leandra's heart grew weaker and she went into cardiac arrest. For three weeks, she had fought for her life and lost. Despite a successful reanimation, which I unfortunately had to witness, we had to let go of our little girl twelve hours later on March 20, 2010. We were devastated.

Leandra, we will always love you and you are living on in our hearts! We are so incredibly proud of you! We miss you every day.

safety booklet: My star child

From now on, our free accompanying brochure can be ordered via the contact form. The associated website mein-sternenkind.ch/en/ provides many important and detailed explanations on the keywords in the brochure.

Swiss contact platform


This contact platform gives you the possiblity to get into contact with other people in the same situation.

Facebook: Stärnechind 2017/2018

This group is secret. If you would like to join the group please contact me with a short summary of your story, your fate and your acutal email address with which you are registered in Facebook.